Friday, April 20, 2018

Major Screenplay: Paulus Saoul ©

Original Screenplay Written by Alan John Meister

A Major Screenplay Production
A Completed Screenplay on the Life and Sufferings
of the Apostle Paul

We are looking for a producer for our dynamic screenplay, Paulus Saoul© This will be a classic landmark film, gathering world-wide attention about one of the most important biblical figures in human history. It is a moving and inspiring film with powerful story line.

Its exciting plot revolves around the theme of a man who changed the world by his determination to endure suffering in order to bring about a new beginning, which is seen in his message to the world.

This is no ordinary message for this screenplay for it shows Paulus Saoul© is moved by a mystical power. This crucial aspect of the film slowly brings to surface the fact that one’s personal suffering is sometimes needed to launch a new beginning. Indeed, the film’s primary character faces a darkness that can touch us all. Yet, something happens that changes him, and forces him to believe in a world he never thought he would.

The production will draw everyone into the exciting scenes within movie, as people think about their sufferings and the compassion of love. Can that fit into their beliefs? Certainly, to see this man of God suffering can change a person. And so to impress this point, the film sets up a contrast between the values and beliefs of the two worlds, the beliefs of this man of God and a single central opposition. As such, the screenplay was written with a worldwide audience in mind, to help all people lead the life of faith that Paulus Saoul© teaches by his sufferings. Certainly, this means the film may help bring a conscious desire for peace among the people of the world, as they see together the evil of torturing innocent people by those who say they believe in a God, but are willing to torture and kill others for their own beliefs.

The production will be a unique and epic production with many never-before-known scenes in the life of the Apostle Paul, It contains stonings, scourgings, beatings, escapes, massive shipwrecks, and more. This antagonism strikes in different ways to torment the Apostle. Certainly he wants something - things to change, but there are contentious attitudes that get in his way of achieving them. It’s a world where such a desire is simple, yet there are stirring confrontations that challenge Paul, and will challenge the audience too. Clearly, the audience will know that the major character is suffering for a belief in redemption. Indeed, the audience may well empathize with him because of his hardships and his rough edges. Indeed, his sufferings are a call for one to believe in his words.

This production will be unlike any other production about the Apostle Paul, for it will be historically accurate according to Sacred Scripture while revealing the sufferings that were endured in order to reveal a message - one that changed the world.

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Alan John Meister