Friday, January 01, 2010

Sample Gospel Manuscript



Seeing through the eyes of the Apostles! Author and scholar Alan Meister’s concept of “thematic delineation (TD)” creates a fresh look into the controversial subject of textual criticism through the study of themes within the Gospels, and provides the reader with insight into the inner workings of the writers of the Gospels. It is surely a process that reveals the very inspiration which made the Gospels come alive in the hearts of the early Christian church.

The early Christians were able to grasp the Gospels with a fervency that forever would change the course of history. Yet today, thousands of years apart from origin and inspiration, many dogmaticians, theologians, and critics of the Gospels now struggle endlessly to unlock the very truths that once tied Christianity together. The result has been only to divide a kingdom and a message that was once united.

In this Commentary, Alan Meister’s refreshing new technique of TD has opened the door to something that scholars have tried for centuries, an approach that synthesizes both a scholarly and analytical process with a pastoral and easy to understand methodology that gives more people access to the knowledge of Scripture. As such, TD helps unlock the truths of the Gospels to people without tearing apart its underlying fabric of unity of thought. Certainly, TD will bring clarification to the study and exegesis of Scripture and help teach people of all walks of life to stand together from the manger to the cross of Jesus Christ.